Artathon AUGE 2nd

Final Event in Milan

23 May 2024
h. 10.00 – 13.00
Join us in the conclusive celebration of AUGE 2nd project. Meet the young minds and the community of artivists, and discover innovative and visionary insight!

Metaverse Event

11 April 2024
h. 10.00 – 14.00
A journey into the metaverse, between potential and criticality: an open window into possible future worlds

Gdansk Artathon

18 October 2023
Contemporary democracy: threats and opportunities arising from technological developments

Riga Artathon

21 September 2023
Blockchain, Art and Climate: Challenges for Green & Digital Future

Berlin Artathon

14 June 2023
Nature Data Narratives: Climate, Sustainability and Artivism

Barcelona Artathon

27 April 2023
Gender, diversity and inclusion in a digital world

Milan Artathon

15 March 2023
Media Literacy and Digital Awareness: between digital utopia, surveillance, AI and fake news

Click the following links to download the Artathon Video-Manifesto!

Project Partners