A journey into the metaverse, between potential and criticality: an open window into possible future worlds
On Thursday, April 11 at 10 a.m. CET MEET Digital Culture Center, in Milan, will host the Metaverse Event: a hybrid event onsite, online in video call and in the metaverse.
The youth community in Italy, Germany, Spain, Poland and Latvia will meet in the MEET Metaverse for the event and guest pitch.
Five challenges
Participants will then be divided into both physical and virtual work tables where they will discuss challenges of the present:
- Education: how can the metaverse transform learning and at the same time teaching?
- Psychological impact: how to maintain a balance between reality and metaverse?
- Inclusion: how can the metaverse break down social barriers?
- Online identity: how to maintain integrity in such a large and anonymous virtual environment?
- Work: how has the metaverse changed job types and what opportunities emerge?
Finally each group will present in the Metaverse the result of the reflections of the working tables.
10:00 – 10:15
Welcome on Spatial
10:15 – 11:00
Seminar – “Humans in the metaverse” by Celeste Correale Santacroce (Spatial)
11:00 – 13:00
Artathon – Working group session at partners venues to explore the 5 challenges and create new ideas/projects (in presence and online zoom)
13:00 – 14:00
Restitution from the groups in the metaverse and conclusions (Spatial)
How to participate?
If you are interested in participating in these training sessions, sign up by filling out this form by 9th April.
Join the AugE2nd Community as well and build a more sustainable and conscious future with us.We look forward to seeing you!
AUGE 2nd
AUGE 2nd is aimed at involving European youngsters, actively and through digital media – to shape the future of Europe. They will be supported by young “artivists” (artists that are also activists) to shape new ideas to boost visions, dreams, actions that will inspire and guide future ways of living together in Europe in a more sustainable, inclusive and beautiful way.