18 October at 10.00-14.00
Click here to join the event live on ZOOM
The upcoming Artathon will take place in presence in Gdańsk, Poland, at LAZNIA Contemporary Art Centre and online on Zoom.
– you are interested in building a more friendly and sustainable Europe,
– you want to contribute to the discussion on the state of European democracy,
– you want to contribute to the diagnosis of the challenges posed to today’s “digitally immersed” societies by the rapid development of technology,
– you want to contribute to the creation of a democratic digital future,
– you want to contribute to the use of digital tools to create a space for open dialogue, development and social inclusion,
– you are between 15 and 30 years old,
– you communicate in English,
join the Gdańsk Artathon on October 18th from 10:00 to 14:00.
Every voice is important!
Five groups of young people, with the support of professional facilitators, experts and artists, will work on a report on the state of contemporary democracy, the threats and opportunities arising from technological developments.
Who decides – us or the algorithms? Are social media inclusive? These are, among others, the questions to which you will be seeking solutions during a four-hour Artathon together with peers from Italy, Germany, Spain, Latvia and Poland.
The meeting takes place in the frames of the international project AUGE 2nd (
Five themes of the October meeting:
In site, at LAZNIA CCA (Gdańsk):
1. Nothing about us without us? – models of inclusive democracy
Online, connected to 5 European Cities:
2. Human avatars: image standards imposed by the media vs health
3. Impact of ideology on the body and public health
4. Digital Architects of Socio-Political Reality
In site, at MEET (Milan):
5. Download the app: Democracy 2.0. Democracy in an immersive/digital world
The themes were determined on the basis of workshops with young people from the VIII High School in Gdańsk.
Sign up for the theme that sounds interesting to you! Due to the limited number of places (25 per theme), we cannot guarantee your participation in the chosen group. Assignment to a group is determined on a first-come, first-served basis.
The meeting will be held in English.
10:00 Welcome and presentation of the event – LAZNIA CCA + Cittiaux Maud (AUGE Next Project Officer)
10:10 Inspiration Artist Talk “Performatics of the Internet in the context of artivism and the democratisation of Art” – Filip Ignatowicz (30 min)
10:40 Inspiration Scientist Talk “Challenges for Young Europeans – can we speak about the homogenous generation?” – Magdalena Żadkowska (20 min)
11:10 Co-creation session, working in groups – 2h
13:10 Presentation of the groups’ outcomes – 30 min
13:40 Conclusions by AUGE partners & PO
We are offering 2 prizes of €600 for two selected projects submitted by the Artathon participants after the meeting in Gdańsk. One of the projects will be presented at the Milan MEET Cultural Centre in 2024 during the final event (travel costs will be covered for the selected winner or the group representative). The link will be shared after the event.
Please fill this form to participate!
Link and Address
Online – Zoom:click to the ZOOM link
On site – @LAZNIA Centre for Contemporary Art; Strajku Dokerów 9 str; Gdańsk – Nowy Port, Poland
On site – @MEET in Milan, Italy
The Artathon takes place as part of the AUGE 2nd project funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) of the European Union.
For more information:
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About the lectures:
Filip Ignatowicz
“Performatics of the Internet in the context of artivism and the democratisation of
INTERNET PERFORMATICS is the lens through which I encourage you to look at
virals and, in general, much of the content that is produced on the internet. We must not trivialise and ignore this cultural sphere (however amusing and infantile it may seem on the surface). We should realize that it genuinely shapes the digital reality in which we interact, and how intensely it can shape public opinion.
The concept of performativity and action is a fantastic key to decoding these phenomena. During the presentation we will ‘click together’ through its vivid (and at times absurd) examples.
ARTIVISM – a combination of the words: art (art) and activism – is a sort of unusual creative and public activity that has a deeply rooted belief that society can change thanks to community driven cultural initiatives. During my lecture we will see how this idea can be expressed, for example, in artistic (public-internet) activities, such as the recent return of YESMEN to the Barbie Liberation Organisation trend and their prank drawing attention to the topic of plastic pollution (using ‘Barbie’ moment). Or we will see how internet activities and the overall FAKE strategy exposes the system.
During the lecture, I will also show a handful of my own socially engaged activities based on the idea of democratising reality. Finally, I will also touch upon the aspect of the online project artUNBOXING, whose intention is to try to democratise access to high culture, which sometimes seems to be hermetic.
Filip Ignatowicz – visual artist, film director, didactician, born in 1990. Graduate of the Faculty of Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk under the supervision of Prof. Henryk Cześnik, Prof. Witoslaw Czerwonka and Prof. Robert Florczak. Awarded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in relation to the exhibition Best Fine Arts Graduation Works in Poland. In 2017, graduated from the Gdynia Film School (Film Directing Department) where he debuted with a feature short ‘NOWY BRONX’ under the supervision of Prof. Robert Glinski and Leszek Starzynski.
Since 2017 he is an assistant at the Academy of Fine Arts Gdańsk, Faculty of Painting.
In 2018, under the supervision of Professor Robert Florczak, he earned a PhD with his dissertation “Art Fair. The consumer versus culture – about fake, lovebranding and self-commodification”. Since 2019 he also teaches at the Doctoral School of his alma mater- Public Speaking Methodology.
With his recent works, Ignatowicz attempts to look at the human condition functioning in consumer reality. This is noticeable in a series of fictional brand projects such as FIGNACY&co. Or an online project on YouTube- artUNBOXING (
Magdalena Żadkowska
“Challenges for Young Europeans – can we speak about the homogenous generation?”
During the lecture Magdalena Żadkowska will focus on the characteristics of the young generation with respect to differences in gender, background, social and cultural capital and values. Showing European studies and statistics and looking into the phenomena of Emerging Adulthood, she will try to answer the questions:
Why does the young generation feel excluded and not heard?
What are the health challenges they face?
Is civic and political activism today one of adulthood markers?
dr. Magdalena Żadkowska – sociologist, researcher, academic lecturer, trainer
Conducts studies on the everyday life of families in the face of changes related to adult children moving out of the family home, migration, the division of domestic responsibilities, the labour market and parenthood.
Trainer in equality trainings on: diversity management, gender equality, intercultural competences and creating anti-discrimination attitudes.
Graduated in Sociology from the University of Gdańsk and in Cultural Studies from the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Holds a PhD in sociology from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Works as an assistant professor at the University of Gdańsk. Involved in the implementation of equality solutions in academic institutions (projects: STARBIOS2, RESBIOS, ActOnGender, MindTheGEP, REWIRING), in the local environment (Gdańsk Migrant Integration Model, Teachers’ Education Centre, Civic Initiatives Centre in Słupsk, PARASOL Foundation in Bytów, Science Center EXPERYMENT) and in the business environment (Intel, MBA, l’Oreal and others).
Media expert: Wysokie Obcasy, Zwierciadło, Gazeta Wyborcza, Radio Gdańsk, Newsweek, TVN.

Project Partners